BEBAK - rail system for free-standing punching bags

The Bebak Professional Punch Bag Freestanding Rail System offers the ultimate flexibility for classroom usage and enables a versatile training environment. This outstanding system was developed with a bomb-proof mount and an innovative loop system to combine high-quality materials and a proprietary design for unparalleled versatility.
Versatile interior design: This rail system is the key to using the space for a variety of training methods. One punching bag holder is included per running meter of rail, allowing flexible placement and adjustment.
High-quality materials and stability: Made from first-class materials, the rail system guarantees a robust and reliable holder for punching bags of any size and weight class. The sturdy construction ensures safety and stability during training.
Innovative loop system: The specially developed loop system allows for easy attachment and effortless release of the punching bag. This maximizes flexibility for a variety of training forms and techniques.
A key to flexibility and efficiency:
The Bebak Professional Punch Bag Rail System is a game changer for gyms and classrooms seeking maximum versatility. The ability to adjust the rails as needed and effortlessly place punching bags allows for a wide range of training options.
With its proven quality and flexibility, this system is a pioneer for efficient and versatile training. Now make optimal use of the space for a variety of training forms with the Bebak Professional Punching Bag Rail System and expand the range of your offering.
You can hang up to 16 punching bags on our rail system
Only on order!
Punching bags are not included in the price!!!!